Party Time Bouquet

The ultimate bouquet that gives you a little bit of everything! Melon, Cantaloupe, pineapple, grapes, plain strawberries and Banana, strawberries & apple dipped in milk and white chocolate.


The ultimate bouquet that gives you a little bit of everything! Melon, Cantaloupe, pineapple, grapes, plain strawberries and Banana, strawberries & apple dipped in milk and white chocolate.


Product Description

Keep this bouquet refrigerated, if you can resist the first day.

We ask you to give us a minimum of 24 hours notice. For same day delivery please call 403.527.1771

Arrangement arrives in a reusable coffee cup with lettuce and kale base.

Allergy warning: Fruit bouquets products may contain peanuts and/or tree nuts. We recommend that you take the necessary precautions on any related allergies.