Rose Bouquet

Our gourmet chocolate strawberry roses absolutely delights your taste buds with luscious, sweet goodness.  The chocolate covered “roses” are done in our 4 different flavors of chocolate. White, milk, dark and caramel.  But on request it can be done in your favorite choice of chocolate. This arrangement feathers 12 strawberries and a variety of berries, like blueberries, blackberries and raspberries.

We create our bouquets every day and we can never repeat an identical bouquet, it’s always unique and amazing.

As with all arrangements, flowers & materials are subjected to change based on availability.


Our gourmet chocolate strawberry roses absolutely delights your taste buds with luscious, sweet goodness.  The chocolate covered “roses” are done in our 4 different flavors of chocolate. White, milk, dark and caramel.  But on request it can be done in your favorite choice of chocolate. This arrangement feathers 12 strawberries and a variety of berries, like blueberries, blackberries and raspberries.

We create our bouquets every day and we can never repeat an identical bouquet, it’s always unique and amazing.

As with all arrangements, flowers & materials are subjected to change based on availability.

Product Description

Please give us a minimum of 24 hours’ notice, Sundays and holidays are not included. For same-day delivery or pick up please call 403.412.4425 for availability.

Allergy warning: our arrangements may contain peanuts and/or tree nuts. Please let us know of any allergies.